Natural Horsemanship - A natural way of training horses!

For many years ago i got in contact with Natural Horsemanship and love the way of working with horses. It's less about forcing the horse to do what the trainer wants it to do but invite it to follow the trainer. It's alot of focus on training the horse in wanting to follow the leader/trainer which gives a lot more then if you would force the horse to do everything. You also get a different bound with the horse, and also a happy and friendly horse.
The first and very important step is to establish yourself as a leader. As a leader you should be able to move the horse backwards but also sideways. A horse will never backup or move sideways for another horse/human who is lower ranked then it self. 
After this first step it's just to prove yourself beeing a good and stable leader through every training and session when working with the horse. 
The right way should always be fun and easy for the horse and the leader. If the horse chooses to do something else it should find it not as comfortable. This should although be shown in a good way and in the most natural way possible. 
I have been working with many different horses when it comes to NH (Natural Horsemanship) early on when i came in contact with Icelandic horses i started learning how the different steps in a good way should be performed together with the horse. Hudde is a horse which i was training and riding a lot when i was younger. I quite responsive horse which i learnt a lot from. The more we trained the more awake and sensitive i became for my movments and "corrections" we really had great fun.
The latest horse which i have been training is the black mare i was working with before the summer. I started wth working with her a lot with out sitting in the saddle. And many times i had her loose in the riding house. Which was great fun, for her to follow me both running and also walking with a rop or nothing around her neck was a quite fun feeling. I also trained her to move different parts of her body with small and simple movments. She was really a horse a got a fun connection with. 
Me and the mare i latest have been working with. 
Here below you can find i movie about a training session with a quite difficulte stallion. Nice and very inspiring movie. It really makes me want to learn more and take more courses withing Natural Horsemanship!!
//Elise C 


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