A sudden change for the better and for worst

A lot has change the this past week. From the south of sweden having fun, thinking clearing my mind kinda deciding what happens next. travelling 90 mils during the course of a couple of days, attending class, thinking like crazy and later making up my mind about moving. 
I basically made a 360 turn. from not at all wanting to move home to considering it and actually going through with it. Which also meant again travelling 60 miles down again the next day. 
Now i am home just getting to know that i got a B on my last test and the result of the other work i have been doing. Which also means i am completly done with last term. 
This term i have decided to study half time/ part time and work as much as possible. 
So now i sort of got a plan, and because of the result from the last exame and also been haning out with friends and my dog i feel more alive again for once. 
So damn nice!! I am everyday realizing the differences with living down here and living up north but hopefully i will figure out how to coupe with it and give my life som bigger reason. 
RIght now i am simply gonna try to do my best and then hopefully this autum/ spring 2015 i will go abroad for a while. 
"That sudden change" 
Now i will try to put a lot of energy in to what i love to do the most, beeing creative, working, caring for others, caring for my dog, hanging out in the stable, training my horse, living a life worth caring for. 
//Elise C


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