Working night shift

Right now i am on my second night shift in a row. Today we also went over to summer time which means that i work an hour less then last night because the clock was set forward an hour. So far it has been a good and calm shift which is nice. 
So my shift ends in about 4,5 hours after this night shift i dont have any night shifts planed until next friday. Next friday i am working nigh for my first time at my newest work place. So thats something i am looking forward to. 
This week it was four weeks ago i moved down from the north of Sweden. Sience i came hom i have had the luck and possibility to work full time.
At this time last year i was in full search for a summer job and it´s great to not have to do that and already now know little bit how my summer will look like interms of when i am off and when i will be working. 
The time is soon reaching six a clock in the morning every body seems to be sound asleep exept for me and the birds that are making noices on the other side of the window. It´s also starting to get light again :)
//Elise C 


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