Where would i have been without you?!?

If you would be some random 
i wouldn´t care
if we hadn´t gone through what we have
i wouldn´t care
if it wouldn´t have gone 8 years from that day
I wouldn´t care
Now your not some random person
But a person who meant the world to me
We have been through alot
And through so much stood by each others sides
The first day was not yesterday 
But almost 8 years ago
At least for me that counts for something
I know that things has changed from that day
i know that we havn´t had that much contact the last year
I know that you are living your dream
If it´s somebody who deffenetly gives possible a face
It´s you
We have been talking alot and you have been hoping for that day to come when you could spread your wings and get a big step closer and i am so damn proud of you that you faced the unknown face your fairs and went for it 
And so far it hasn´t been a easy path, a lot has happened along the way.
If it´s somebody i really look up to for all these reasons it´s you!! 
Vart fan hade jag varit idag utan dig?!?! 
//Elise C 


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